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    Frequently asked questions

    Just like an appointment with your doctor or dentist, going to the opticians can sometimes mean patients can be a little anxious or nervous. Don’t worry, all of the team at Robson’s Opticians understand. We’re here to help you feel as comfortable as possible and make sure you have the best possible eyesight.

    How often do I need to have my eyes tested?2019-07-08T11:35:25+00:00

    This will vary from patient to patient but most of us should get our eyes tested every two years. Some patients may need to be tested more regularly, but our Optometrists will be best placed to advise you on this.

    When should I bring my child in to get their eyes tested?2019-07-08T11:41:26+00:00

    We can check children of any age so if you have any concerns about their vision, you can book them an appointment at any age. Even if they are not having any problems, it is advised that children get their eyes tested before they start school as some of the more common eye conditions that affect children (such as amblyopia or “lazy eye”) are easily missed.

    Do I still need glasses even though I wear contact lenses?2019-07-08T11:54:21+00:00

    Wearing contact lenses all the time is not good for your eyes. It’s always good to have a couple of hours per night, or a day or two per week, out of contact lenses to allow your eyes to “breathe”. It’s also worth having a pair of glasses in case you suffer an eye infection or have a problem with your eyes that may mean you can’t wear your lenses for a while.

    I can see fine, do I still need to have an eye test?2019-07-08T11:39:58+00:00

    Absolutely! We do a lot more than just check whether you need glasses or not. In fact, some of the more common eye conditions (such as glaucoma) don’t affect your eyesight at all in the early stages.

    It’s important to pick these things up as early as possible because any sight lost is often irreversible. We can also detect the early signs of things like high blood pressure and high cholesterol by looking at the blood vessels in your eyes.

    I wear contact lenses. Why do I need an extra test on top of my sight test?2019-07-08T11:43:06+00:00

    If you wear contact lenses we need to take extra care of your eyes.

    Contact lenses are perfectly safe if looked after correctly but you are still introducing a foreign body into your eye so it is vital that we are able to monitor the health of your eyes closely.

    We also want to make sure you are getting the most out of your contact lenses so we advise regular checks to make sure the lens material, design and prescription are right for you.

    I get my eyes photographed by the Diabetic Screening Service, do I still need to get my eyes tested?2019-07-08T11:55:39+00:00

    The Diabetic Screening Service is very important and is therefore available to any patient with diabetes. However, the aim of this screening is just to detect problems relating to diabetes and is not as in-depth and thorough as a full eye examination with an Optometrist. We strongly advise all of our diabetic patients to have both their screening and a full eye examination.

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    Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

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    16 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle, NE1 6QG

    Phone: 0191 232 1631

    Web: Robson's Website